Episode 10 Preview

"Quick Draw"

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English Dub

VASH (VOICEOVER): I think I’d like to do something nice for somebody. I think it’s good if you smile at someone and they smile in return. Voluntary love encourages people to create a sense of friendliness. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it’s wrong to force love to try to keep it alive. If the strain goes on, eventually it’ll bloom into the flower called “lie”, the deceptively thorny flower that hurts people.


NOTE: Preview timestamps correspond to episode 09's full runtime.

Clip # Preview Timestamp Episode Timestamp
#1 24:07-24:09 02:01-02:06
#2 24:09-24:13 02:06-02:12
#3 24:13-24:15 03:28-03:33
#4 24:15-24:16 03:35-03:56
#5 24:16-24:20 03:45-03:49
#6 24:20-24:22 02:58-03:01
#7 24:22-24:26 09:35-09:38/09:54-09:58*
#8 24:26-24:29 15:42-15:44
#9 24:29-24:31 15:08-15:11
#10 24:31-24:33 15:11-15:14
#11 24:33-24:38 09:13-09:15

*These clips are identical in the episode.


Comparison of changes made from preview to episode:

WARNING: multiple animated gifs below!

Clip #3

Clip #4

Clip #5

Clip #6

Clip #7

Clip #8

Clip #9

Clip #10

NOTE: Timestamps account for full episode runtime including opening credits, closing credits, and next episode preview. Version used was the 2010 Funimation Trigun: The Complete Series DVD set (specifically rips I made from my own copy), so the timestamps may not be an exact match on other releases/uploads of the series.

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