The Planet Gunsmoke? WIP
It is commonly accepted among Trigun fans that the name of the planet that the Trigun anime takes place on is named Gunsmoke. But if you pay close attention while watching the show, you'll notice the name of the planet is never once mentioned. So how and why did it come to be known as the Planet Gunsmoke?
Here's what I found:

Trigun Maximum Volume 4, page 207
In Nightow's comic in the end of this volume, he is talking about the new Trigun toyline in production. In the 12th panel, Nightow says (in the Dark Horse English translation):
"First off, the difference from the Trigun manga world and the Trigun anime world, I believe it says 'The Planet Gunsmoke.'"
This particular toyline is named Trigun The Planet Gunsmoke.

*from my collection, i'll get better photos of these packages later!
Also of note is the cancelled Trigun PS2 game which was named "The Planet Gunsmoke."