Episode 06 Preview

"Lost July"

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English Dub

VASH (VOICEOVER): The longer one holds on to a memory, the longer one lives in the past. The deeper the memory they hold on to, the more beautiful the past will become. The beautiful memories will eventually turn into hate. Even if they look ahead, they lose the ability to walk. As long as the heavy chain called “revenge” continues to bind the heart, the tears of sadness will continue to flow.


NOTE: Preview timestamps correspond to episode 05's full runtime.

Clip # Preview Timestamp Episode Timestamp
#1 24:07-24:10 04:41-04:43
#2 24:10-24:14 04:46-04:52
#3 24:14-24:17 06:44-06:46
#4 24:17-24:20 06:47-06:51
#5 24:20-24:23 07:03-07:06
#6 24:23-24:26 08:39-08:43
#7 24:26-24:28 08:43-08:44
#8 24:28-24:29 10:42-10:43
#9 24:29-24:32 10:43-10:46
#10 24:32-24:33 14:32-14:32
#11 24:33-24:34 14:47-14:49
#12 24:34-24:38 15:28-15:30


Comparison of changes made from preview to episode:

WARNING: multiple animated gifs below!

Clip #3

NOTE: There is an art error in both the preview and episode versions of this scene showing Vash with earrings in both ears and his birthmark on the wrong side (though the latter may not be an error if this is intended to be Vash's reflection in the plant bulb).

Clip #4

Clip #5

Clip #6

Clip #7

NOTE: Timestamps account for full episode runtime including opening credits, closing credits, and next episode preview. Version used was the 2010 Funimation Trigun: The Complete Series DVD set (specifically rips I made from my own copy), so the timestamps may not be an exact match on other releases/uploads of the series.

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